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What size of kidney stone is dangerous?

What size of kidney stone is dangerous?

Kidney stones are the hard masses, which are a combination of minerals and salts in the body. Kidney stones can develop in one as well as both the kidneys. These hard compositions generally form in the kidney, and then they might move to the Ureter. As we all know, Ureter is a kind of tube connecting kidneys to the bladder. It also allows the urine to flow.

In starting, a stone is too small that is easily cleared out from the body through the urine. But the stones grow in size; they may get stuck in the Ureter. In this condition, the natural flow of the urine gets affected significantly, and sometimes it gets completely obstructed. As a result, a patient starts noticing several complications, mainly pain in any side of the abdomen. It can be responsible for any chronic kidney disease if proper treatment is not taken timely.

The stones smaller than 4 millimeters (mm) pass naturally on their own in almost 80 percent of cases, and they might take around 31 days.

While the stones that are 4-6 mm can cause many problems and hence requires treatment. With the help of medicines and some routine amendments, these stones can be eliminated.

The stones larger than 6 mm cause problems and need treatment in most of the cases to be removed. But 20 percent of them pass without any problem but can take around a year. In general, stones smaller than or equal to 4 mm aren't problematic in most of the cases. But when they increase in size (more than 4 mm), they can be dangerous and cause many health issues.

If the kidney stones go unresolved for prolonged, they can put pressure on the kidneys, which may lead to kidney disease. So, treating kidney stones is a must so that to prevent kidney diseases. If you have kidney stones, opt for the best ayurvedic medicine for stone in kidney. This treatment will help you in getting rid of all sizes of kidney stones naturally. If it comes to treatment, choosing the best Ayurvedic medicine for stone can help. Ayurvedic medicines are the composition of natural herbs and hence very effective. Along with its effectiveness, this treatment doesn't have any adverse effects on health. These medicines encompass the potential to cure break the stones into tiny parts that get easily passed from the urinary tract system with the urine.

Choosing this holistic treatment saves you from Allopathic surgery that is a complicated procedure and may prove risky as well. In many cases, it is seen that even after surgery, a patient may develop kidney stones recurring.

While Ayurvedic stone treatment also suggests a patient to follow a diet that won’t let him face the problem of stone again.