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Does Ayurveda really work for kidney failure?


Kidney failure is a condition that drains the organ's capabilities if timely treatment is not considered. These bean-shaped organs filter blood, make hormones that produce red blood cells, maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. If any of the renal function gets hampered, then many disorders can take place in the body. Kidney diseases result from bad lifestyle habits, poor dietary practice, or hereditary reasons in rare cases.

In this write-up tells we will discuss why Ayurveda is perfect for kidney failure treatment. We are not saying that Allopathic medicines are entirely incapable, but let us determine what loopholes modern medical science has, why kidneys need a natural treatment, not a treatment based on machines and surgeries.

Ayurveda VS Allopathy


Ayurveda is a natural remedial science. Hence, it consists of medicines that are extracted from herbs and plants. The most advantageous property of Ayurvedic herbs – they are side-effect free in every possible manner. On the contrary, Allopathic pills, syrups are injections made with chemical-based ingredients. These chemicals can trigger several moderate to severe side-effects.

Ayurveda is a complete health science that focuses not only on the solution for a particular ailment, but when it is applied, and it provides optimum health, so the problem does not rise once again. Ayurveda follows a simple ideology – Prevention is better than cure.' On the contrary, Allopathic medicines suppress a specific ailment's symptoms rather than chopping it off the origin. Ayurveda is a holistic approach to treating health conditions that provide relief from the root, unlike Allopathy.

Ayurveda is helping innumerable patients suffering from various disorders from the ancient era, and that is why it still has its evident existence today. Allopathic treatment or Western Medicines has also emerged as a meaningful system that works based on tests and pieces of evidence. Both Ayurvedic treatment and Allopathic treatment struggle to prove their sides, but they are still waiting for their conclusions.

Unquestionably, allopathic treatment has increased the life expectancy from 30 years to 50 years, but it is also evident that the number of people suffering from vivid disorders is also increasing. Everyone is reliable on hospitals and clinics for getting accurate tests for vitamins and minerals, bone scanning, brain scanning, diabetes level, or blood tests in today's time. It is a lack of knowledge or experience that people do not know that even Ayurvedic doctors can cure every disorder related to the human body. An Ayurvedic practitioner does have all the knowledge of the human body, surgeries, possible side-effects, and even the circumstances that can occur due to an illness.

Allopathic treatment is responsible for any side-effects, withdrawal effects, and contraindications as well. For example, intake of antibiotics can make you nauseated or suffer from diarrhoea. Some allopathic medicines can make you heavily constipated. You can even get addicted to allopathic medicines too. The point behind these examples is that these medicines only suppress the symptoms or signs of a particular disease and treat you with some other unexpected complications. The most horrible part is that you will never know the exact time to stop using them. Moreover, stopping an allopathic treatment without taking genuine advice can give you your worst nightmares as it might cause life-threatening problems.

However, with Ayurveda, it is all better and different. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on the root cause of the disorder and eliminates it without causing any side-effects or complications. It could also have some contraindications depending on the body's response towards any ingredient though the effects are very mild. Chances of such risks are scarce while taking Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda is the most cultured and ancient process in health care. It was introduced by some prominent people in the same field about 5000 years ago in India. Ayurveda was the only sole medical process for many decades. Whereas, Allopathy, a 300-year-old part of medical science, has confronted Ayurveda.

Let us know why Ayurveda is a natural treatment that is completely capable of reversing kidney failure.

The objective of Ayurvedic treatment is discovering the root cause of the disease and eliminating it. On the other hand, Allopathic treatment is believed to cater to the patient with immediate but temporary relief. Allopathic treatment is never sure that is the disease is eliminated.

Ayurvedic treatment's philosophy is to prevent human beings from unwanted suffering and provide them a fit, stretched life. It includes natural herbs and is based on logical implications. On the other side, Allopathy treats the disease in 3 steps-Hypothesis, Testing & Observation, and conclusion. These steps treat the patients on no logical grounds. As a result, it is unable to provide a permanent cure.

Ayurveda treatment comprises fruits, vegetables, spices, and natural herbs that help treat diseases without side effects. Meanwhile, Allopathic treatment cures the illness immediately but with a range of side effects like allergies, pain, etc.


Despite being equipped with the modern medical system, Allopathy can still treat diseases like Biliousness, Piles, and Jaundice. At the same time, Ayurveda treatment is completely capable of managing these ailments efficiently. Indeed, Ayurveda works slowly, but it works efficiently and effectively to eliminate the disease from its root.