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Ayurvedic kidney stone treatment in India

Is it common to have 4 to 5 kidney stone, can it be cured?

If your body has a large number of some minerals but lack of liquid that is needed to clear them out. Consequently, those minerals combination can accumulate in the kidneys, which is known as stones. The stones are either brown or yellow in color and generally rough and pointed in shape. These rough substances travel in the kidneys from one place to other that cause unbearable pain to the patient. Ayurvedic kidney stone treatment in India is the best solution to cure stones naturally.

Kidney stones vary in size from patient to patient, and they may be as large as a golf ball. For such a large kidney stone, a patient requires surgery for removing it from his kidneys. Kidney stones smaller than or equal to 4 mm have a 80 percent chance of passing through the urine. While stones equal to 5 mm have a 20 percent chance of their passage, but the comparatively larger stones require treatment because it can be problematic enough to cause other kidney problems. Ayurvedic kidney stone treatment in India can be the most suitable and safe solution. Allopathy will conduct any surgery, i.e., Ureteroscopy, Shock wave lithotripsy, or Open Surgery, aiming to remove the stone from the body.

Causes of kidney stones

If it comes to the causes of kidney stones, several factors can be responsible. Inadequate water intake, Spicy, and oily food consumption, consumption of milk, and many other factors that allow the minerals to accumulate in the kidneys are responsible for stone development in the kidneys.

Signs of kidney stones

In most of the cases of kidney stones, the stones go asymptomatic. When they grow, they may cause unbearable abdomen pain. Along with that,

  • Pain or burning sensation while urinating
  • Blood in the urine
  • Nausea and Vomiting

In case of any of these symptoms, you should contact your health care provider for an immediate treatment that will help you in preventing your condition from getting worse.

When you reach a doctor with symptoms similar to kidney stone, then he will recommend you to undergo some medical tests to detect stones in your kidneys. Mainly, Ultrasound is the test that is conducted to identify whether you have stones in your kidneys or not. Along with that, the size of the stone can also be determined by this test. A few more tests can also be taken into use to determine kidney stone condition.

How can kidney stones be cured efficiently?

For curing kidney stones, Allopathy takes the help of medicines if the stone is small in size, while for larger stones, surgery is conducted for their removal. As we all know, surgery is risky, and many complications are associated with them, and sometimes surgery can affect the organs neighboring to kidneys. Above all, a patient may also develop kidney stones even after surgery.

That’s why Ayurvedic treatment is the best solution to clear kidney stones naturally only with the help of some herbal medicines and diet corrections. Along with that, Ayurveda also suggests some routine practices and diet recommendations so that you won’t develop stones in the future. That’s why choosing Ayurvedic kidney stone treatment in India from an expert Ayurvedic hospital can help you in getting rid of all sizes of stones naturally.